Matcha Slim Tea powder

Functional organic drink mix

Tea powder Matcha Slim

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Get Matcha Slim online with 50% discount

Matcha Slim Tea has already won the hearts of many supporters of healthy weight loss in France. The functional organic drink blend includes Matcha green tea extract fortified with taurine and citric acid. The 100% natural, time-tested composition helps you lose weight quickly, without any effort.

Matcha Slim Tea Powder can be purchased by filling a small order form on our official website. In that case, a 50% discount will be available to you. The cost of a premium organic product is only 49€.

Matcha Slim - A new slimming philosophy

Thinness is not only external attractiveness and self-confidence, but also lightness and health. Excess weight, in turn, is an additional burden on the joints and the cardiovascular system. Many nutritionists are in favor of losing weight, however, for most people in France, this process remains difficult and exhausting.

The approach to weight loss may vary. The diet does not always help to lose weight due to a slowdown in metabolism, and not everyone can afford intense physical activity. However, even though these violent methods can lead to weight loss, the side effects do more harm than good. The stress on the body is very great and the pounds lost will soon return.

The modern scientific approach allows you to use the body's physiological processes to naturally lose weight effortlessly. The functional organic blend of Matcha Slim drinks provides weight loss in the most comfortable way for the body without stress, tiredness and slowing down of the metabolism. This is their main difference from traditional methods.

The old recipe for harmony

Matcha tea has been known for its beneficial properties since ancient times

According to the ancient Asian tradition, tea consumption has always received special attention in spiritual practices. Matcha tea has been used since ancient times to restore the harmony of mind and body. And this is not surprising, because its healing properties were known to Buddhist monks in ancient times and were highly valued even in the imperial dynasties. Now France has finally discovered this drink.

We have only slightly improved the old recipe so that the weight loss is more intense, but at the same time it does not cause discomfort. With your help, you can not only lose weight quickly, but also improve your body. The complex action is due to the properties of the tea:

A comprehensive approach to weight loss

The minimum recommended course for drinking Matcha Slim tea is 1 month. This is due to the fact that different processes are launched sequentially in the body and affect the overall result.

1 week


Appetite and nervous irritability decrease, healthy sleep is normalized.

Weight loss from 1 to 2. 5 kg

Week 2


Excess fluid is removed, metabolism is accelerated, adsorbents bind and eliminate toxins.

Weight loss 4, 5 to 6 kg

Week 3

Fat burning

Fat deposits are reduced by active oxidation and degradation of lipids.

Weight loss from 7 to 10 kg

Week 4

Fixing the result

Carbohydrate metabolism is accelerated, converting all calories consumed into energy. This prevents further weight gain.

Weight loss 11, 5 to 13 kg

A comprehensive approach to weight loss prevents you from regaining your previous weight in the future. After the Matcha Slim course, the body is tuned for harmonious work, when all food is converted into energy and the body is filled with lightness.

Research on the effectiveness of Matcha Slim tea

The Melbourne Institute of Food Science and Technology conducted laboratory tests for two years that resulted in the introduction of Matcha Slim Tea Powder.

Independent research in Europe and Asia confirm that Matcha Slim tea is the best natural product for fast and safe weight loss.

The study involved about 5, 800 people of different sexes and ages, overweight over 15 kilos. After taking Matcha Slim for a month, the weight loss was as follows:

Health and weight control are inseparable

3 to 5 kg


5 to 8 kg


8 to 12 kg


From 12 to 15 kg


At the same time, for the purity of the experiment, the entire experimental group did not change their usual lifestyle, did not follow diets and did not experience any additional physical effort. At the end of the study, participants were asked to describe their condition. Almost everyone said they felt better overall. This was expressed in energy, normalization of the phases of sleep and decreased level of fatigue. 95% of the participants expressed the desire to drink Matcha Slim tea as a preventive course in the future to maintain health and fitness. No side effects were identified.

Soul and body harmony formula

100% natural composition can work wonders. The organic base of Matcha tea, fortified with taurine and lemon extract, significantly increases its effectiveness. The synergistic effect provides rapid weight loss of up to 13 kg in one month.

Matcha Slim Drinking Blend is completely natural and contains no synthetic additives, colors, preservatives or GMOs. Organic matter is completely harmless, acts smoothly and has no side effects. Therefore, its use makes weight loss a comfortable process.

Our contribution to your harmonious weight loss

Thinness and lightness - the result of using Matcha Slim

Matcha Slim is exactly what you need if you strive to be healthier, in good shape and in a good mood, never get tired and get enough sleep.

Support for weight loss in the form of a discount will go to those who rush to order a limited edition product. Hurry up to start a harmonious weight loss with Matcha Slim with the opportunity to save 50% of your cost. Organic powdered tea can be purchased on our official website until the end of the day at a discounted price of 49€, what is the price in other countries.

No more need for strict diets and tiring exercise regimes. The extra pounds will go away naturally, so you shouldn't be afraid of withdrawal symptoms. Thanks to Matcha Slim, weight loss will be comfortable, and its delicious taste will turn you into a true tea ceremony connoisseur!

Doctor's review

Doctor Nutritionist Daniel Daniel
12 years
Based on my experience, I gave up the rough methods of fighting for the ideal weight. Ways to lose weight, leading the body to a rigid structure, only cause discord in your work and, as a result, harm your health. Losing weight is a complex process. When people in France ask me the best way to lose weight, I always recommend Matcha Slim Tea Powder. It harmoniously reconstructs the body's work, forcing it to get rid of fat in the context of general recovery. Cleansing, rejuvenation and multiple metabolism acceleration improve the body without depletion and sagging skin, as in other cases.